Application Information:
How to Apply
Please download our application form below and submit your application through email, mail, fax or in person to apply for subsidized housing.
Once the application form has been filled out please submit the application as follows:
– In Person at the Vernon Native Housing Office, #41-4305 19th Avenue
– By Email
– By fax to 250-542-4544
– By regular mail to #41-4305 19th Avenue, Vernon BC, V1T 9X4
Selection Process
1. Fill out and submit your application form to the office.
2. You will be placed on the waitlist. Please note that we do contact your references to gather information about your previous tenancies.
3. There is a monthly tenant selection interview. Vernon Native Housing’s Board of Directors and our Executive Director will be facilitating the interviews. If you qualify for housing and have a favorable reference check we will contact you for an interview.
4. Please be sure to contact the Society if any information has changed on your application form such as: family size, increase or decrease of income and contact information.
Application Form